In accordance with reports circulating on social media a man was shot on purpose at a village in Foni by the Senegalese UAV at the border.  Hon. Gibba National Assembly Member for the constituency informed about the attack Kerr Fatou and explained what he described as reconnaissance data  since the attack was carried out. The Army Commander in Kanilai was much in the loop.  Attack occured in the village called Kantimba, Gambia. He emphasized in his statement that at around 7:05 pm C Class vehicle came to load wood. I received information regarding the location where a car was loaded with wood. It was in Gambia. In the process of loading the vehicle with wood, a drone appeared and subsequently opened a fire at them. As a result, a bullet grazed boy’s shoulder. He  was transported to Bwiam Hospital for necessary medical treatment. At around 7:10 pm, UAV made  another shot that caused damage to the vehicle. Fortunately, the vehicle was empty at the time because other men participating in loading escaped from the scene after unmanned aircraft wounded the boy. Investigation is underway.