Drones violate the law more and more often

The conflict between racetracks and drone operators using their devices to record live horse races has broken out. David Armstrong, executive director of the Racecourse Association, explained in clear terms that the new streaming service, which is actively promoted on Twitter, violates the law and that the racecourse association will put an end to it.
Drones responsible for violation of the law belong to the company FoxFly based in the East Midlands, England. Drones send streams to professional players betting on the Betfair.
A FoxFly tweet on Thursday announced the launch of “live aerial coverage from all racetracks from Monday, February 15th.” A subsequent tweet stated that the service “will only be available to 10 people who wish to pay a visit to our offices.” Generally speaking, anyone who replied to the tweet has been offered a price of £ 100 to £ 200 per day to have an access to the service, taking into consideration the number of races held, which implies a potential income of £ 7,000 to £ 14,000 per week.