New Counter-Drone Technology to be commercialized

The goal of that new technology is to detect and commandeer unauthorized unmanned aircraft, and to guide them to land safely. It was announced in May 2019, that it will be commercialized under a licensing agreement between Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Drone Defense Systems LLC of Daytona Beach, Florida. The next steps from now is to refine the concept, build a prototype and pursue related products.
“It is a safe and affordable way to neutralize drone without the need of having to shoot them down or force to crash”, says Embry-Riddle faculty member Dr. Houbing Song. He’s proposed system of wireless acoustic sensors to identify a flying drone and to distinguish drones from birds there is a built-in computer-based brain called a neural network which is continuously learning and getting smarter. After the system confirms a drone, the acoustic sensors, working in tandem with beacon receivers, transmit information to a control center.
Technology works this way: “It disrupts communication between the pilot and the drone. It detects the drone, finds out what language the drone speaks, activates an emulation system that mimics the drone’s language, and snatches control away from the pilot.”
The technology addresses an increasing public safety and security risk. “Reports of drone sightings from pilots, citizens and law enforcement have increased significantly over the past few years,” Song noted. “The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration currently receives more than 100 such reports each month. The goal of our technology is to counter unauthorized drones effectively, while ensuring low collateral damage and low cost per engagement.”